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Panelled, Cement and Green Screen Studios

Lounge studio now features cement and green panelled wall. With stylish green chair, sofas and dark wood furniture. Warm white table light and standard light.

Super powerful natural white light panel ceiling light...

Super powerful natural white light panel ceiling light...

Lounge studio green panel wall with adjoining beauty salon and kitchen. Spiral staircase and door to garden.

Lounge studio green panel wall with adjoining beauty salon and kitchen. Spiral staircase and door to garden.

Lounge studio green panel wall with adjoining beauty salon and kitchen. Spiral staircase and door to garden. Garden studio with table, chairs, benches and festoon light. The lounge studio can be converted to green screen.

Lounge studio green panel wall with adjoining beauty salon and kitchen. Spiral staircase and door to garden.
Garden studio with table, chairs, benches and festoon light. The lounge studio can be converted to green screen.

Garden studio with table, chairs, benches and festoon light. The lounge studio can be converted to green screen....

Garden studio with table, chairs, benches and festoon light.
The lounge studio can be converted to green screen....

Dated: Tue 4th Jan 2022 Updated: Thu 28th Jul 2022

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